Holistic Health Tips - Parti 2

28. Study your hands to remember your dreams.
 If you are experiencing personal conflicts, feeling stressed or would just like to gain a new level of access to your inner thoughts, consider learning to control your dreams to make them work for you. 
By concentrating on your hands several times throughout the day, asking yourself if you are dreaming, you  will start to remember to look at your hands while dreaming.
If you can control your hands in your dreams, you will already be able to change the course of your dreams and to play an interactive part. This can include bringing specific people into your dreams, or even asking specific people to leave them. 
Try this technique, and you will be amazed the first time that you are dreaming, and realize that you are actually able to do more than just watch what is happening.

29. Try yoga to overcome depression.
If you are suffering from depression, practicing yoga may help you to overcome the symptoms and
get to the root of what is causing the problem in the first place.
Through the practice of yoga, you are attempting to connect to your spirit and to
reconnect your mind and body.
With practice, you may begin to see th symptoms of depression begin to lessen almost immediately.

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31. Pay attention to your colors.
Although you may have stopped paying attention to color as a young child, there is definitely some benefit to examining what colors you tend to use, enjoy and prefer.
Color is directly associated with body energy and emotions. Sometimes, you may feel out
of balance and not realize that it is the colors surrounding you that are impacting your mind-body balance.
For example, if you tend to wear a lot of red or to surround yourself with red, you may be over-stimulating your emotions. However, if you frequently feel tired or listless you might want to add more red to your wardrobe.
32. Consider color therapy
Try changing the colors in your wardrobe to better suit your emotional needs during any particular time in your life.
For example, if you feel that you are in need of a personal change, or that
you need to build your self-esteem, consider wearing more purple, as this
color is known for its connection with self-healing. If you are stressed, 
try  wearing light blue. 
Green is a great color to add when you feel like you have recently made a personal accomplishment, since it is a color known for renewing effects.

33. Try magnets for pain relief.
Magnetic therapy is becoming a very popular method for treating chronic pain and  conditions that cause chronic pain.
 Magnets are shown to increase blood flow through the body by as much as a third. 
This increased circulation is a great way to alleviate pain.

34. Use magnets when recovering from an injury.
Studies have shown that applying magnets to an injury will help to increase the healing rate
because the magnets correct the polarity of the body cells and increase the
overall health of the area where they are applied. Healing will be faster,
and pain will be less when you apply magnets.

35. Try bioenergenic therapy when you are feeling depressed or tired.
Bioenergetics is an alternative therapy that includes a combination
of different techniques used together to help your body fight off illnesses 
depression and other conditions.
Practitioners observe the patient and form a treatment plan that works to correct things like breathing patterns and stress levels in order to begin identifying and alleviating problems that the patient is experiencing.
This therapy combines biofeedback with talk and touch therapy, acupuncture and nutritional counseling in a specific way determined by each individual patient.

36. Play an active role.
 If you have decided to see a holistic practitioner, one of the things that you need to realize when you get started is that this is not the passive medicine
 that you may have experienced in the past.
The practitioners are there to guide you as the patient, however you will need to make a significant effort and work with your practitioner to determine the best treatments for you and to increase the effectiveness of the treatments. 
Many patients find that taking an active role in treatment makes the effects more immediate and tangible.

37. Consider a whole body detoxification program.
The environment, stress and even the foods that we eat can affect every cell in the human
body negatively.
 Sometimes, the body just needs a break so that it can effectively remove harmful chemicals and byproducts that reduce the body’s ability to fight disease and to function at its peak.
A whole body cleanse will give you the ability to remove toxins from your intestine, organs and even your skin. Consider working with a holistic physician to see if a detoxification program could help you.

38. Focus on the dance of life.
Life is ever-changing and ever adapting.
Sometimes we all get bogged down in our day to day and forget to take
time out for ourselves. 
It is beneficial to take at least some time each day to work on personal growth and healing.
 Spending time working on personal growth in some way will make you more aware of the ups and downs of your life and give you tools for dealing with whatever comes your
way throughout your life.

39. Try what ails you to relieve the symptoms. 
Homeopathic medicine practitioners believe that a symptom is little more than the body’s defense against stress. 
Therefore, they take the approach that finding a substance that behaves in the same way that the body does – that substance can be used to fight off the ailment or infection. Take a walk through a health food, or nutritional supplement store, and you are bound to see a
homeopathic remedy for many common health problems.

40. Try a natural caffeine detox.
 If you have been promising to give up coffee, or to cut down, you might need to actually remove the effects of caffeine from your system with a detoxification process that include chamomile.
 This extract helps to calm you while washing caffeine from your system.
You can use chamomile tea, or a specially developed  
compound designed to detoxify the body.

41. Consider chiropractic medicine.
 If you are currently experiencing  back pain, chances are that the damage has already been done.
Chiropractors are specially trained to manipulate the body in a way tha frees nerves and muscles to function correctly, thereby reducing pain in the body immediately.
 It is important to work with a Doctor of Chiropractic, who has attended college and Chiropractic College.

42. Try chiropractic for more than just your back.
Even if you are experiencing an illness or injury somewhere other than in your back, there
is a chance that a Chiropractor will be able to alleviate some of your symptoms.
In general, holistic chiropractors believe that most illnesses are a result of nerve impingements somewhere in the body.
By carefully manipulating the spine, these nerves can be released and symptoms or
even the illness itself will fade. 
Consider scheduling a consultation with a chiropractor today.
The visit will generally include an examination, discussion of your symptoms and possibly an adjustment to see if you experience immediate relief.

43. Consider working with a holistic athletic trainer.
 If you are an athlete, you might benefit from the experience of working with a holistic
trainer who focuses not only on injury recovery, but also on performance
analysis, counseling and injury prevention.
Through the holistic approach, your mental and physical needs will be addressed and you can improve your performance significantly as a result.

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