Holistic Health Tips - Vitamins and Herbs

61. Gt meore vitamin D

Supplements are one way to increase your Vitamin D intake, however quite honestly the best way to get this nutrient is from sunshine. 
The human body synthesizes Vitamin D that is absorbed
through the skin when exposed to sunlight. 
Many people are not getting the sun exposure that they require because of the risk of skin cancer; however in moderation – about 5 minutes a day - sunlight is very beneficial.

62. Take vitamin C.
prior to sun exposure. Getting a sunburn is definitely unpleasant. 
By taking an extra dose of vitamin C prior to beginning your sun exposure, you are boosting your skin’s natural defenses. 
If you would like increased protection, consider adding vitamin E as well.

63. Sooth your stomach with oranges and fennel seed.
Make a mixture of a tablespoon each of orange peel and fennel seed added to two
cups of water. Boil and then steep this tea. 
Add honey to sweeten the tea and drink it when you are suffering from indigestion. 
The tea should refrigerate for about 48 hours, and will taste primarily like fennel.

                                               Fennel Seed, Whole (Castella) 5oz.

64. Drink rosemary tea. 
Rosemary is a kitchen herb known for its ability to stimulate the senses. 
If you are feeling tired, but have a lot to get accomplished you might do well to drink some Rosemary Tea. 
Rosemary Tea is also an excellent remedy for headaches.

65. Use ipecac syrup to stop vomiting.
While this is one of the common ingredients in most home first aid kits, you may not realize that it is also a homeopathic remedy for vomiting when taken in very tiny doses. 
While ipecac will not do much for patients experiencing nausea, it will work wonders for you if you are experiencing continuous vomiting. 
homeopathic physician or pharmacist can recommend exact dosages for you.

66. Take Ginkgo for better concentration. 
Gingko is known for its ability to stimulate the mind and to help the brain to metabolize nutrients correctly. 
In some cases, the herb has been noted to reduce the effects of aging and to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. 
Gingko leaves are ground into a powder and the extract can be used in many different forms.
A few years ago, it became very common to see Gingko added to just about everything in the supermarket. A homeopathic physician can help you to determine whether you would benefit from a Gingko supplement.

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