Holistic Health Tips - Parti 3


44. Try Kinesiology to improve your well being.
Kinesiology is a holistic approach to traditional biofeedback therapy, where the body is
studied in order to determine the source of potential and current problems.
 Through monitoring of your body, your Kinesiologist will determine a course of alternative treatments that will help you to perform to the best of your capabilities.

45. Add some fun to your inner work with transpersonal art therapy.
Through the practice, you will create artwork and accomplish personal transformations as your work progresses.
Don’t worry, no previous experience or talent is required, and this type of counseling can
be very effective even for young children.

46. Try hypnosis.
 There are many different schools of hypnotherapy, however all center around the idea of using altered states of consciousness to help you find and resolve issues within yourself.
The primary goal of hypnosis is to be a short-term therapeutic process that can help the patient to find a deep issue that they have been unable to realize in their conscious
mind so that they can begin to find a solution to the problems that they are facing.
47. Lose weight or stop smoking with hypnosis.
 There are many programs available that offer assistance to people who want to lose weight
or stop smoking, but who have been unable to remove psychological obstacles that are standing in their way.
 Generally, in only a few sessions, the patient will become receptive to the hypnosis and will begin to see results quickly.
It is important to find a reputable program and hypnotherapist who can demonstrate proven results from their techniques.
48. Banish disease through acupuncture therapy.
Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that focuses on freeing energy channels within
the body in order to allow for healing and pain relief.
 Asthma sufferers can find great relief from chronic symptoms through this therapy, as have
arthritis sufferers and others dealing with chronic illness.
 Every therapist will have a different approach, and you might do well to try several
therapists to see whose technique works best for you.
49. If you believe in your body’s ability to heal itself, try osteopathy.
Osteopathy is commonly regarded as an excellent way to strengthen the
body after an injury, however it is also known as an excellent treatment
option for those with headaches, digestive disorders and several other
health problems. The intent of an osteotherapist is to correct problems
with the skeleton in order to alleviate or prevent illness and injury.

50. Try a homeopathic approach to ADD.
ADD is becoming one of the most commonly issued diagnoses among young children and adolescents today.
 Unfortunately, the treatment options are limited and most include the use of strong medications with terrible side effects.
A better approach might be to treat only the symptoms that are present, and to treat in order to prevent the appearance of new symptoms.
Homeopathic treatment includes not only natural medicines,
 but psychological counseling as well. 
The goal is to treat the patient, and not the disease.
There are many traditional physicians who will work with you to develop a homeopathic
treatment plan, and many holistic physicians who specialize in this type of

51. Get real allergy relief.
 If you suffer from allergies, you already know the frustration of treatments that just don’t work.
Sure, they may mask symptoms for a while.
But, they are not going to provide lasting relief.
Homeopathic allergy treatment is different because instead of treating the
symptoms, the goal is to strengthen the body to a point where it can resist
the allergens that are behind the symptoms. While there are treatments
available for the symptoms, a patient can expect to be given medications
that make their immune system build upon itself to create a natural defense.

52. Listen to more music.
Sound therapy is becoming commonplace in homes with newborn infants and older adults. There are many benefits of sound therapy including calming and increasing the patients sense over overall well being.
Find a soft music that you enjoy, and try playing it at the lowest possible volume in a quiet room. You will find that before too long, if you are quiet and relaxed, that you hear the music as though it were at full volume.

53. Become familiar with aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy is a simple way to change your daily life. Through the use of essential oils, it is possible to get access to wonderful therapeutic results. Aromatherapy has been a
popular holistic health topic for thousands of years, and many people will
tell you that the promised benefits are completely accurate. For example,
consider placing a few drops of Rosemary oil on a cotton ball and dabbing
it on your forehead during a headache.
Or, consider placing a drop of lavender oil on the light bulbs in your bedroom for enhanced relaxation during sleep.

 Consult a pharmacist, holistic specialist or a book on essential oils to determine if one or more could help you to improve your well-being.

54. Visit an aromatherapist.
 If you are interested in working with a holistic therapist who deals with aromatherapy on a daily basis, consider an aroma massage with an aromatherapist.
The therapist will create a custom oil blend for your visit, according to how you are feeling and your emotional state at the time of the visit.

 Then, they will use a soft massage technique to apply the oils to your body. You should begin to see the benefits immediately, and you should discuss what you should do for the
next day or two in order to enhance the effects of the massage and oils even more.

55. Perform an act of love.
 Many holistic healers claim that there is no more powerful medicine than love and that simply giving or receiving affection such as a hug can raise the spirits and begin to heal the body.
 If you are suffering from grief of some sort, love may be all that you need to start healing.

56. Nourish your soul.
 Just like the mind and body, the soul also needs nourishment to continue to grow and develop. Your soul is what provides you with energy and vitality.

Every one has different soul food, however most find that their soul is nourished by a walk outdoors or spending time with friends and family.

57. Ask your soul what it needs.
If you take the time to listen to your inner voice, your soul will tell you what it needs. It is important to take the time to listen;
 otherwise you can lose your soul and not be able to find out
what it is that you are missing.
 Just a few moments of quiet each day, and you are bound to learn something that can change your life.

58. Make your bedroom only for sleep.
 In today’s busy world, there is  tendency to turn the bedroom into a home office and multipurpose room.

This is not recommended, as the bedroom should be instilling a sense of relaxation and restfulness.

59. Get better sleep.
Do your best to avoid stress and exertion within an hour of your bedtime. Consider having a cup of chamomile tea before bed, or using lavender infused oil in order to help induce a sense of relaxation.

Try to get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, to maintain healthy sleep

60. Eliminate the cause of health problems before trying to treat the

So, for example if you are suffering from indigestion it makes more sense to eliminate the foods that are causing the problem than it does to take medication after the pain starts. Holistic healers are looking to heal the whole body, and therefore it is believed that first you stop doing
the things that are harming you, and then you replace those things with nutrients, etc.
that are better for you. This can apply to the body, the mind or the soul.

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