Holistic Health Tips

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Holistic Health Tips

1. Improve your posture. It is important to keep your spine as straight as
possible, so that your muscles do not strain and contract unnecessarily.

Also, in order to keep energy circulating throughout your body, it is
important to keep your spine straight and nerves unhindered.

2. Consider “trigger point massage” for pain relief.
 If you are plagued by continuous pain and conventional pain medicines are not working to
help eliminate it, consider this special type of massage.
 It will help to not only ease the pain – but to eliminate its source as well.

3. Try acupuncture. Acupuncture is type of holistic/alternative medicine
that has been commonly practiced in the eastern part of the world for
thousands of years.
Five thousand years ago, the intention of acupuncture was to prolong life. 
With many alternative medical techniques, the intention is to prevent rather than to cure a specific or general ailment.
The oldest recorded practice of acupuncture was over 5,000 years ago.
Basically, acupuncture is used to stimulate the nerves in the body and as a
result positively affect all of the other bodily systems.

4. Try Reiki healing. Reiki is a healing art that uses the body’s energy to
begin and further the healing process.
 It is performed by using one’s hands to follow a specific pattern of massage, in order to stimulate energy movement throughout the body. 
There are many Reiki healers who are  specially trained to perform the healing massage, or you can read about it or take a class to become a proficient Reiki healer yourself.

5. Consider a complete body cleansing. There are many different
products on the market today that can help you to eliminate toxins from
the body and increase the efficiency and overall health of your body.
 A complete cleanse will remove toxins and other harmful matter from your
kidneys, liver and intestines.
Generally how they work is you follow a strict dietary regimen for a few weeks while the cleansing process occurs.
Most people who try this agree that it makes them feel healthier and they often report a fair amount of weight loss after the process is complete.

6. Try to avoid television. Believe it or not, television actually induces
negative feelings in most viewers as a result of the commonplace violence
and gossip. Television viewing is not nearly as relaxing as some people
claim. Try giving up your television shows for a week, replacing them with
other activities. You will most likely find that you are better rested,
happier and less stressed at the end of that week.

7. Don’t forget to relax.
No human being is equipped to function in constant stress mode.
 It is unhealthy to have a life filled with all work and no play.
 Some of the most common health problems that result when a person doesn’t relax enough include high blood pressure, stomach ulcers and other digestive disorders. Be sure to take some time out for yourself at least once a week, preferably once a day.
This can help to prevent, and in some cases eliminate, these chronic health problems.

8. Consider biofeedback therapy.
If you are experiencing health problems and cannot seem to find the source, a biofeedback therapist will monitor your body and how it reacts to daily activities in order to find out
where it is not performing optimally.
 In this treatment, you would wear a monitor that actually records how your body is reacting while it is turned on.

Healthsmart 15-935-000 Biofeedback Trainer, Black

 If you are an athlete suffering from muscle problems, you might want to consider this treatment to determine whether you are properly resting your muscles between activities.

9. Improve your sleeping habits.
 One of the best things that everyone can do to improve their well-being is to moderate their sleeping patterns.
Unfortunately, poor sleep is a habit learned by nearly everyone during the  teenage years.
 It is critical to allow your body the time it needs to wind down and relax so that you can be rejuvenated. If you feel tired during the day, when you awaken in the morning or exhausted before bedtime it is a sign that you are not getting the right amount of sleep. This could be toomuch, or too little. 
Try setting aside eight hours for sleep each night, getting into bed no less than half an hour prior to the time that you want to be asleep.
If you do this for a few weeks, you will find positive improvements in your overall health and productivity.

10. Breathe mindfully.
The process of mindful breathing is a form of meditation; however it is also a great way to get more oxygen into your blood and tissues.
If you start right now and pay attention to how you are breathing, it is more than likely that you will find yourself breathing quite shallowly.
This is not a healthy breathing pattern.
You can start out by just inhaling completely and then slowly exhaling completely.
If you take one minute to just do this focused breathing each day, you will find that you
feel better during that minute. And, you will catch yourself paying attention to your breathing several times throughout the day.
 If you are stressed or tired, take a minute out of your day to breathe mindfully.

11. Try reflexology.
 Reflexology is a technique of applying pressure to and stretching the hands and feet in order to send nerve messages to other parts of the body.
Through the careful application of reflexology, practitioners can affect the health of various organs and parts of the body.
There are many resources available if you would like to learn more about the practice of reflexology.

12. Relieve pain with acupuncture. 
Acupuncture is an age old healingtechnique used to stimulate nerve endings and to promote healing from within. 
Overall, the goal of an acupuncturist is to restore well being and good health to the whole body.
 If you are currently experiencing chronic pain, consider consulting a therapist to see if your pain might be reduced
with treatments.

13. Meditate for better well being. 
The basic definition of meditation is to concentrate on some object or thought in order to quiet the mind.
 There are many different types and styles of meditation; however the one thing
that is consistent is that not every technique will work for every person.
Every one can benefit from some type of meditation, take some time to read about different techniques or talk to a holistic healer for more information about what might work for you.

14. Try Buddhist meditation. 
Buddhist meditation deals primarily with the quest for knowledge, and is one of the more popular styles of meditation used in the world today.
The premise is that by meditating you are spending some quiet time to improve the state of your mind. 
Getting started is as simple as finding a quiet space to relax, taking some deep breaths and letting thoughts enter and pass through your mind without
concentrating on any specific thought.

15. Stop the music when meditating.
 Just as you would probably accomplish more during a study session without music, the same holds true for meditation.
While some people will play music while they meditate, there is a question about whether music serves simply as a distraction.
Try turning off the music for a week, and see for yourself if you are able to accomplish more with a quiet atmosphere.

16. Accept that there is no clear and easy path.
 Many people spend so much time looking for the easy route that they forget to enjoy the joys of the road.
Changing your perspective will take time, but try to begin thinking of obstacles as stepping-stones along the path of your life.

17. Go to the dentist.
 If you have fillings that could possibly contain Mercury, it is a good idea to have those fillings replaced by your dentist.
If you are feeling poorly and cannot explain why, this may be the culprit.
Mercury poisoning is slow and often masks itself with symptoms of other
health problems. Your dentist can tell you whether you should consider
having any of your fillings replaced.

18. Be nicer.
 Positive energy is contagious. If you do something nice for someone today, chances are that before the end of the day that person will do something nice for someone else. 
Holding the door for someone costs you nothing more than a few seconds out of your day, however if that person is having a bad day it might just be the little pick up needed to put
them in a better mood. 
Little things mean a lot, and if you are doing nice things for people, you will begin to feel better about yourself.

19. Avoid clutter. Clutter is an energy buster.
If your bedroom is cluttered, the energy will not flow as freely as it should and your sleep will be affected in a negative way.
 Not only that, but clutter is frustrating, because it often keeps you from finding something that you need in a few seconds.
Take the time to eliminate clutter, but start small with one area at a time.
Otherwise, you risk overwhelming yourself with a lot of work.

20. Be gracious. 
Gratitude is extremely powerful, and remembering to say thank you for even the littlest things can be a powerful positive change.
Expressing gratitude is much more pleasant than expressing frustration, and it will eventually begin to replace the negative habit of complaining
that we all get into some times.

21. Consider a peroxide bath. 
Hydrogen peroxide is known for being a highly effective astringent that removes toxins, or dirt, from scrapes and cuts. 
It can do the same thing for the rest of the body as well. 
Simply add a quart of peroxide to your hot bath and soak for a few minutes to check
for tolerance. 
If you don’t have any irritation that does not stop quickly, add a second quart and soak for about ten minutes. The peroxide will pull toxins from your skin and help you to flush toxins better afterwards.
22. Consider a liver flush.
Gallstones form in the bile ducts and the gallbladder, and may be to blame for medical problems that go otherwise unexplained.
By performing a liver flush you are helping your body to eliminate the built up toxins and gallstones.
If you are interested in instructions for a liver flush, you can find them at any reputable holistic healer and even online.
 If you have any health problems, or suspect that you might, you should speak with your doctor prior to performing the process.

23. Consider learning from an Alexander technique instructor.
The Alexander method is a way to retrain the body to remain correctly
postured in order to prevent and eliminate the possibility of problems such
as muscle strains, nerve damage, stiff necks and many more. 
The purpose of this technique is to eliminate unnecessary tension within the body and
to teach the body to position itself correctly.

24. Eat clay.
Yes, clay in its naturally occurring form is fantastic for treating
many different health ailments that might go otherwise untreated. 
Liquid clay is available and can be taken several times a day to help with
problems with the liver, headaches, arthritis and skin disorders.
Clay masks are fantastic for the skin, and when used after a good exfoliation
they can remove impurities and toxins from your skin.

25. Consider “transpersonal therapy”.
If you have found that standard therapy is not working out for you, this is an approach that helps many people to feel more comfortable.
In this type of psychotherapy, the therapist and the patient focus on making a significant connection with one another in order to remove anyone from a superior position.
 Many patients have found that when they feel a connection with their therapist,
they feel that they can be more open-minded and receptive.

26. Be mindful instead of bored.
 If you feel bored, or feel as though you are stretching every minute to its fullest extent in order to get things done, you are probably a good candidate for the practice of mindfulness.
Through mindfulness, you are going to get to the root of what is causing  
you to feel stressed or bored. 
Often there is something deeper that is causing you anxiety, and through this technique you are likely to discover what that something is. 
The premise is to let go of pain and to allow thoughts to flow freely. 
By trying to suppress feelings and control thoughts, you are actually doing your body more harm than good.
27. Pay attention to your dreams.
Dreams can tell you a lot of information that you might not otherwise realize. 
Therapists believe that through our dreams, we become aware of personal struggles, fears andinternal conflicts.
 Consider keeping a dream journal, where you record at least the major themes of what you are dreaming. Do this as soon as you can after waking, so that you make sure to get the essence of your dreams.
Pay attention to patterns, serial dreams and symbols that seem to reappear often.
Find out what these things represent to you by meditating on the symbol or theme, or look them up in a dream dictionary for the generally accepted explanation. 
While this may not represent the meaning for you, it will give you a place to start.

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