Is Anti-Aging Just About Skin Care? How To Defy Age Through Health And Fitness

We the baby boomers, that is those aged about 40 and above make up about one quarter of the
world's population and are growing older rapidly. Considering that most of these baby boomers have already established their careers, have accumulated savings with disposable income, having grown or fast growing up children and would probably owned their own homes, what do they want next?

A secret antidote to stop the aging process would be nice isn't it?

Business owners are quick to capitalize on this rich and growing market dreaming up multitudes of
anti aging products and services to cater to the baby boomers. The fear of growing old and the loss
of youth and vitality are so real that these industries are doing businesses in the tune of billions of
dollars every year.

Products like slimming pills, health care, skincare and look good products are so highly in demand that you see these companies pitching their products in multi million advertising campaigns. Some of these products do work very well but most don't.

Of all the products and services catering to the baby boomers, skin care anti aging products seems
to be spearheading the charge and raking in immense profit.

 Consumers persuaded by advertisements of skin care companies promising face lift without surgery, wrinkles vanishing creams and a host of other variations are snapping up these products real quick.

 Men are also not spared from the marketing onslaught and lines of men's skincare products are now plentiful too.

Do you know what can be the best anti aging weapon against the effects of aging? Nope, it is not
the skincare products that you can buy off the shelves. It is looking after your own health and

Do you remember the good old days when you are able to play robust games, climb trees, cycle
long distances and enjoying them? Are you able to do these things with gusto these days? If not,
why not? That is because your health and fitness is slowly and surely deteriorating as you age. We
are putting on body fat faster because our metabolism is slowing down. From the age of about 25,
our body starts to produce less and less growth hormones leading to deterioration of body tissues
and the process to replace and repair tissue cells is being comprised more and more as we age.
That is why we recover slower from diseases, muscles are getting smaller and weaker, bones are
getting brittle and wrinkles start forming. In other words, we are slowly dying.

 So how do we defy age?

To defy these aging effects, we have got to keep ourselves fit and healthy.

 By improving our fitness and health levels, we are able to slow down and defy the aging process. We protect muscle and bone loss by lifting weights.

 With cardio exercises, we strengthen our hearts and lungs and improve our immunity keeping deadly age related diseases and obesity at bay.

We will regain some the energy and vitality of our youthful days making daily chores so much easier to handle.

Best of all, exercises reduces stress, improve your posture and adds a healthy glow to your skin. And you know what? It is free.

So isn't improving your health and fitness is the best antidote to the aging process? I know because
I refuse to let age defy me.

So with good healthy eating habits a regular dose of exercise, I am able  to play competitive soccer with people half my age, enjoy mountain tracking and scuba diving now and then.

 That to me is a much more fulfilling and enjoyable life than having jars of anti aging pills
and skincare creams sitting on my shelf and burning a gaping hole in my pocket. Having good
health and an excellent fitness level is your best weapon to defy age and keep the aging process at

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