A very pleasant, cooling summer drink is made from the juice of six oranges and six lemons, with sugar to taste; add to this some pounded ice and the juice of a small can of pineapple, and lastly pour over the whole two quarts of water

Pare very thin from one orange a few bits of the yellow rind. Slice three well-peeled sour oranges, taking care to remove all
the white portion and all seeds. Add the yellow rind and a tablespoonful of sugar; pour over all a quart of boiling water. Cover the dish, and let it remain until the drink is cold. Or, if preferred, the juice of the oranges may be extracted with a lemon drill and strained as for lemonade.


Rub lightly two ounces of lump sugar on the rind of two nice, fresh oranges, to extract the flavor; put this sugar into a pitcher, to which add the juice expressed from the oranges, and that from one lemon. Pour over all one pint of cold water, stir thoroughly, and serve.


Add the juice of one sour orange to a pint of sweet milk. Heat very slowly until the milk is curded, then strain and cool.


Take half a pound of double-refined sugar finely beaten, wet it with orange-flower-water, then boil it candy-high, then put in a handful of orange-flowers, keeping it stirring, but let it not boil, and when the sugar candies about them, take it off the fire, drop it on a plate, and set it by till it's cold.


Take Pulp and grated rind of 1 orange, 1 tablespoon cream, 1 cup confectioners' sugar, 1/2 teaspoon orange extract and 1 tablespoon melted butter. To the cream add the sugar slowly. Add orange pulp, rind, extract and melted butter. Beat until smooth and spread on top of cake.


Take rind of 1 orange, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 1 cup of powdered sugar and white of 1 egg. Grate orange rind and allow gratings to soak for some time in lemon juice; stir juice, sugar and egg together and beat thoroughly. Spread on warm cake.


Add a tablespoonful of gelatine to one gill of water; let it stand twenty minutes and add half a pint of boiling water; stir until dissolved and add four ounces of powdered sugar, the strained juice of six oranges and cold water enough to make a full quart in all. Stir until the sugar is dissolved; pour into the freezing can and freeze.


Take juice of 6 oranges, 2 teaspoons orange extract, 1 quart water, juice of 1 lemon, 2 cups powdered sugar and 1/2 cup cream. Mix all ingredients together; strain and freeze.

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