Select ripe and thin-skinned fruit. To every pint of the juice add one pound of sugar, the juice of one lemon, and a little of the grated rind. Boil for fifteen minutes, removing all scum as it rises. If the syrup is not clear, strain through a piece of cheese cloth, and reheat. Can and seal while boiling hot.


Pare the oranges, squeeze and strain the juice from the pulp. To one pint of juice allow one pound and three-quarters of loaf sugar. Put the juice and sugar together, boil and skim it until it is cream; then strain it through a flannel bag and let it stand until it becomes cool, then put in bottles and cork tight.


The rind of 3 oranges, 1/2 pint of water, 4 oz. of sugar. Boil the ingredients until the syrup is clear, then strain it and pour over the fruit.


Peel 6 oranges, carefully removing all the white pith. Put the rinds of these into 1/2 pint of cold water; boil it gently for 10 minutes. Strain, and add to the water 6 oz, of loaf sugar. Boil it until it is a thick syrup, then drop into it the oranges, divided in sections, without breaking the skins. Only a few minutes cooking will be needed. The oranges are nicest served cold.

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